CARACTACUS is the game development arm of Cineris Multifacet, which is run by Milwaukee-based forseer-developer Daṇḍin.
The first game of CARACTACUS is Pinkinbae物語, which is scheduled for an early-access release on February 1st, 2019. There is a playable demo available for download on Windows and also one that plays in the hmtl browser!
The second game of CARACTACUS is The Projectories of Dandin: Episode 4 - Fire and Dust. This game was released around February 1st, 2020. This game can be downloaded for Windows and Mac, and is considered the first finished game of Caractacus.
There are a few other games in development now. We might be posting here a bit more frequently; going to try out the development journals offered by the Itch website to see if we like them. For now, check out the two already-released games!